Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A Blessed Day!


I did go and buy my cemetery plot at Our Lady of Perpetual Help today, and it was a lovely experience.  Had an inspiring chat with the Office Administrator about how God has acted in our lives, and caught a big break:  I was able to get a spot quite close to the church in the old part of the cemetery, because just a month or so ago, a couple had relinquished their plot for two, in order to move to a bigger one which would accommodate their children.  (1) it is very unusual for a cemetery this old (1950s) to even HAVE spaces left, and (2) getting a place in the original part of the cemetery is unheard of.  For some reason, this meant a great deal to me.  We walked out to the cemetery together so I could visit my final resting place, and it is very nice.  I find this amazing, but she said this is the only Catholic cemetery in the Atlanta Archdiocese. The $1,000 I paid goes into a trust fund for perpetual care.

As if this was not enough for one great day, I needed to meet a friend to give her a recommendation for a grad school application, so I decided to go to a local coffee house where she goes frequently, and let her know I was there by phone text so she could swing by and get it.  As I came in, two professors I know from my previous job were leaving, and we stopped to talk for a bit.  They did not know I had retired, and asked what I was up to.  I mentioned that I was in the process of getting active in my parish, AND, it turns out, they are BOTH members of Our Lady of Perpetual Help AND they attend the same Mass that I do (Saturday night Vigil)!  I like both of them very much, and could not believe I never knew they are Catholic.  Of course they didn't know I was, because I have not been there for 2 decades, LOL!  We will definitely be hooking up, sitting together at Mass and doing some social things, I am sure.

I could not believe how wonderful God has been to me today, but then, I never stop being amazed at His goodness. WHY ME?  I keep asking.. I am so unworthy of all this love, but oh! how I do appreciate the beautiful blessings He keeps bestowing on me!  "How can I repay the Lord for His goodness to me?"  + 

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